Thursday, March 13, 2014


Back in the 1950s, Ray Bradbury was hard at work on a screenplay for the film version of Herman Melville’s classic, Moby-Dick.

But things were not going well.

The deadline was approaching fast, and he was stuck in one of those giant blocks made just for writers.

He was depressed.

He was desperate.

He had no idea how to escape his four-sided cell of wordless gloom.

Then one morning Ray awoke with a crazy thought.

So he ran to the mirror, gave himself a good long look, and said…

“Behold, Herman Melville!”

It worked like a charm.

Ray finished the script with ease.

In fact, I hear he had a whale of a time.

PROMPT: Use Ray’s recipe for instant success today. Pick your favorite famous author, grab a mirror and shout, “Behold, __________!” Then see what a little creative channeling can do for you. J

By the way, this fabulous story came from James Scott Bell’s The Art of War for Writers. If you’re in need of some inspiration, pick up a copy today and…

Fight on!

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